
ode to red bull

oh red bull. you keep my husband awake so he can perform well on his medical school exams. you take up a large portion of my fridge so there is less room for fruits and veggies. you taste like crushed up smarties {yuck}. you have more caffeine in your tiny can than i want to think about. but you give my chris wiings so i guess i have to enjoy having you around.
{chris thinks it's awesome that he's less than a month into school and he's consumed this many red bull energy drinks. he's started a shrine of sorts to his favorite study aid on top of his desk. another thing that makes me despise his "room". he hopes to keep a running tally of red bull throughout school. so much for us using the second bedroom as a nursery one day...}


kaitlyn said...

Ahhhh, i remember the redbull days in college. That is an obscene amount though.... you could always make a crib mobile out of them when you do make that room a nursery. Maybe a windchime?

Brandon said...

I don't know whether to be more proud of Stacey because of finishing the triathlon, or for Chris in pounding that many red bulls. I'm impressed by both of you.

jen said...

You know you are going to get a lecture from Marla & my mom now about how red bull causes heart attacks. Jason got through school and still gets through life by drinking Rockstars. YUCK. Tell him to try the power edge energy drink. It's a powder that you mix with water. You can find it at Walmart by the crystal light. It's pretty good stuff & wooooweee it gives you some serious energy!

Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

I really need to invest in some red bulls!!!

Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

I really need to invest in some red bulls!!!