
visiting teaching

i can be somewhat of a procrastinator at times. this is especially true with visiting teaching {i know, i know}. even though all it takes is a couple of phone calls, i just never seem to find the time {or make the time rather} to get it taken care of before it's the last minute or even too late. it doesn't help that my companion could be considered a VT-hater and probably cringes every time she sees my name pop up on the caller ID {since i'm the one who calls her} so yesterday i decided to give my companion a call to see if maybe she could squeeze some time into her busy schedule {she's a stay-at-home mom} to go visit teach for an hour or so. she told me how her week was going to be crazy and so i felt dumb for even calling her. i told her i could just make a couple loaves of banana bread and drop one be each of the ladie's houses with a message. she said that would be great. before saying goodbye, i slid in the fact that we needed to go early next month so this doesn't happen again. we'll see. but anyway, i made banana bread {for the recipe go here} and when chris saw me wrapping both loaves up to take away, he was a little distraught. "you're taking BOTH?!?" i explained that i was taking them to the ladies i visit teach. he just rolled his eyes.

ps. is you're slow on getting your visiting teaching done and don't have an ensign like us, go here and print out a copy to tape to the loaf of banana bread


Brandon said...

Seriously, that is the worst when your spouse makes a great dessert and you smell it and get all excited for it and then just when you think it's ready to eat, they take it away from you and say it is for someone else. There are not many things more frustrating. I could use a hot n' ready with a spiritual message(or a 24 episode) on it every once in a while.

stace said...

i'm sure!