
big gulps huh?

what do you do when your boss puts one of these bad boys on your desk?

you drink it, that's what!!! i got back from lunch today and i found 64 oz of Dr. Pepper goodness waiting at my desk. i'm not a big soda drinker {though chris will try to tell you otherwise} and so 64 oz amounts to what i usually consume in a month or two. it was so heavy and so wide i had to hold it with two hands to take a sip and before i could even get through half of it, the ice had already melted.
would you believe there's people out there who drink one of these {or more!!} a day?!?

i'm feeling guilty i consumed my day's allotment of calories in liquid form, so excuse me while i go hit the gym.

p.s. don't mind that my bed isn't made in the background or that my hair is in dire need of a wash... it's these things that keep me from needing a double gulp in the morning!


kaitlyn said...

giddy up!

i love i chatting with adrie and she asks why i haven't folded clothes in at least a year. ;)

Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

how many times did you have to go pee at work that day?!!! even without a big gulp i have to pee about every 20-30 minutes!
p.s. have i told you lately that you are adorable and i love your style. we really need to live closer to each other staci. maybe one day. ;)

stace said...

ha ha! i peed like 8 times before i left work and the next day i was SOOOO dehydrated... and i didn't even drink the whole thing!

ms said...

I can't believe someone hasn't typed: ...double "gulps huh? Welp, cya later."