
on being a fatty

i have become super lazy as of late. i've been working so much the minute i get some spare time the last thing i want to do is cook, or hit the gym. just this afternoon while chris and i enjoyed rootbeer floats at hire's big H while waiting for our bacon cheeseburgers i get a text from julie about a yoga class. talk about feeling all the flab multiply by twenty on my body. nope. i didn't hit the gym up today or yesterday or even the day before that and here i am enjoying my 800+ calorie dinner. awesome.


MJ said...

OH please! Staci, you are beautiful. Have you checked out your hot legs in our running pictures? If not, you need to. :)

Cory & Alli said...

Everybody needs a treat! What would the world be like without rootbeer floats and cheeseburgers?!? That's no place for me!

ms said...

Got the package today (Mike didn't get the mail while I was gone). LOVE everything and hope it will fit for the reception next week. Lucy is asleep for the night or else I would have put it on her already...