
lovely nurserys...

no i am not pregnant, but i have this strange fascination with nurseries. i guess it's the mother in me {deep down there somewhere!} while browsing through my blog list i came across this awesome nursery post over at say yes! to hoboken via style carrot. you must skip on over there and check it out. it made me baby hungry all over again.


jen said...

You will have so much fun decorating your nursery one day! I have a picture somewhere of me holding you at Grandma Turner's house when you were a baby. I must find that picture.

Melissa Stringham said...

These are so cute. Nursery's are fun because you can be so creative. If only we had money and walls not made of cinderblock...

kaitlyn said...

those nurseries are adorable! i have a feeling that the mother in you isn't too deep down there. :)

ms said...

Serena and Lily (the website...) has great stuff too - it's ultra uber guber expensive, but I just look for ideas... of course I don't do anything with the ideas, but I have them, nonetheless. :)