
problems, problems, problems

this week marks the week that i am officially sick and tired of the wide array of problems we have experienced at our little apartment in the six short months we have lived in salt lake city. when we first moved in we went 6 weeks without a washer/dryer because of incorrect installation which resulted in flooding and all sorts of fun things. a couple weeks ago we got our power bill in the mail. i opened the bill expecting to see a small number and almost fell over when i saw the $120 on the "amount due" line of the bill. imediately outraged, phone calls were made. almost two weeks went by and we had no idea what was going on with the heater/power except that we were paying double what everyone in our complex was paying. this past week we've had a couple different heater/air conditioner people over and they've told us different stories so needless to say, we still haven't found what the real issue is. i thanked our land lady for this lovely problem by short paying our rent what we'd been overcharged for the past three months. then to add insult to injury, chris and i got home last night from a long day of studying and shopping {he did the studying, i of course did the shopping} to find a sink overflowing with dishes, a laundry basket sagging with dirty clothes and a knock at our door with a neighbor and a plumber telling us we couldn't use any water until further notice.... FURTHER NOTICE? thankfully we only had to endure one night/day of no showers and peeing at home {thanks chris and jill!!}. the problem with the plumbing ended up not affecting us at all, thankfully. but our land lady was kind enough to offer her sweet luxury condo up in park city which is currently vacant. {too bad the plumbing is fixed so soon!}


bec said...

yeah, you guys should really get a new apartment in our future new complex... somewhere in between Lindon & SLC. (oh yeah, we're staying here!)

kaitlyn said...

too bad your apartment looks so nice.

hopefully all this stuff stops happening! find a new place!

Megan said...

Hey, come move into Hawthorne Court!

mccall said...

Wow. That sucks! Thank goodness you have such nice neighbors to let you use their bathroom :-)

Caleb and Marci said...

Is that a picture of you and Chris on the bathroom sink? Now that is love.

Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

we know how you feel when it comes to house problems and large power bills. but hey, your apartment is cute and i love your kitchen! is that marble counter tops i see?!

Deanne said...

staci your kitchen is way nicer than mine. When are you guys coming to Seattle for a visit? love, deanne

Melissa Stringham said...

The two bedroom across the hall from us is vacant *as well as tons of other apartments around us). I know it is somewhat ghetto, but maintenance workers are always just a call away and we'd love to have you as neighbors! :) Sorry about your troubles.