
ghana bound

last year when chris and i were on our mediterranean cruise, there was one point where we could see africa in the distance. chris was more fascinated with being able to see africa from a distance than almost anything else we did on the entire trip. he's always wanted to go to africa and this summer he finally gets his chance. for four weeks, he's leaving me for ghana. he's going with a doctor and a group of 8 med school students from the U. he'll be travelling all around ghana working in clinics and educating villagers. we've been researching and finding ways to get this trip funded for him. he's super excited and i'm trying to coax my sister to come stay with me while he's gone... we'll see.


bec said...

that's so exciting!! I tried to go on the illustration Ghana trip, no luck though. They had a great time and were really excited to eat normal food when they got back.

ms said...

I'm very excited for Chris! Do you want our baby for those four weeks? Maybe by then she'll be sleeping through the night. :) We miss you guys.

kaitlyn said...

wow!!!! africa... that is so cool! what an amazing opportunity. i am sorry you will be so lonely. i hope your sis does come and stay with you.