
MSA opening social

tonight i was able to attend a little activity put on by the U's MSA {medical spouse alliance}. there was dinner, desert and socializing. it was very enjoyable to get out and just hang with a bunch of neat gals who are all going through the same thing i am...having a husband in medical school. the MSA is a great program sponsored by the AMA {american medical association} for spouses of medical doctors and students. the MSA has monthly activities like book club and play group along with service opportunities as well. it's amazing how similar experiences can unite people. even though i barely know the wonderful ladies i was able to eat and visit with tonight, there is a unspoken strong bond between us. we all have husbands who study constantly, stress about test and grades, and who hope to eventually carry the responsibility of a board-certified physician. aside from great food and amazing company, there was a lot of wonderful advice given by 2nd, 3rd and 4th year MSA members. i'm excited to have a place to mix and mingle with ladies just like me.


Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

i am so jealous that you have an msa. i would love a dsa! actually, our ward is pretty much a dsa. in all of the other classes except for quinn's the majority of the students are lds therefore all of the wives are in our ward and the one before us. i love it. it sounds like you guys are doing great and loving slc. can't wait to see you! (you'll be in boise for christmas right?!)

Natalie said...

I am so grateful for MSA. We are seriously going to have so much fun for the next four years! I saw that you made an appointment...yay! I am excited! See you soon :)

mccall said...

Oh that is SO great! I'm glad they have an organization like that. I think that is so important.