

about a week before we got into salt lake, chris and i researched which ward we would be in, where we would be meeting and what time church was...etc. we found that we were in the 10th ward and that church was ironically at 10:00. when we finally were in salt lake for good chris and i set out to find our chapel. we had the address but we drove to the address and even past and saw nothing that looked like it could be an LDS chapel. we did see a huge cathedral looking structure but nothing resembling a typical church or even one that had the sign out front. we drove by several times, finally i made chris stop in front of the cathedrally looking building. on top of the huge church was a sign that said "10th ward meeting house"....i guess this was it. as it turns out, the chapel we meet in for church was the first one built in the salt lake valley and every prophet {except Joseph Smith of course} has bore his testimony there in some way or another, and it was the meetinghouse Gordon B. Hinckley attended all through his childhood. it's pretty neat. there are beautiful stained glass windows everywhere and the chapel has a balcony! {i made chris promise me we could sit up there next week}. i'll try and post a picture after church on sunday.


Kelli and Dan said...

organizing things into place is my favorite part about moving into a new place, its a weird addiction and since we are now looking for a house i am getting the itch. hope school starts out well for chris and you get the job you want. can't wait to come down and use that air mattress. miss you guys.