
Christmas cornrows

So here I go with blog number one. After thanksgiving Staci was sick for like two weeks and then finals were upon us for ever it seemed, so with all that i guess, Staci has been slacking on the blog posts lately and i wanted you all to see my little brothers rockin' new dew. He is so dang cute and with his new hair, he really looks "cool!" When they told me that they were taking him to do it, i thought that there was no way he would sit there and let them do that for so long. But i guess they had him pretty excited about it and he sat there good the entire time. He got a little sceptical when they straightened it all out and it was sticking straight up and said "i don't like this hair, it's scary." Then because it was so long, the little tails of the braids in the back would touch his neck and that drove him crazy, so they cut those off. It didn't last too long though, he was picking at it all the time cause he said it "itched his head all the day." But it was sweet while it lasted!


chris said...

well i'm kinda disappointed that no one has commented on my first blog ever, so im going to comment myself.
...Great first blog ever Chris! sweet pictures of your brothers hair! I love it!

bec said...

Holy Cow! There are new blogs here! And Chris wrote it??!

Brandon said...

Absolutely incredible blog if I do say so myself. Now you need to make your own and quite freeloading off of your wifes blog.

Jill Langston Kaufusi said...

Cool Blog. Cool Hair. Cool Chris.