
day eleven

day eleven {nicknames you have & why}

staci lacy
stacer lacer

i go by stace most of the time, family, friends and people i've been around a lot call me stace

my mom always called me staci lacy, she's really the only one who calls me this and i don't really know where it originated. occasionally my dad will call me stacer lacer

in high school i went by jonesy (jones was my maiden name) in sports and most of my guy friends called me jonesy.

growing up my dad always had a hard time with four girl names in sequence, so he just called us all fred. he still calls us fred, though he has lately come up with clever adjectives describing us... for example i'm "mama fred" because i'm the only one of his daughters who's a mama. but any of us girls will respond to fred. he's the only one who can get away with calling me fred.

maren, you may have to correct me on this one--back in the days of predictive text on phones my name always came up as "stabi" instead of staci. one night we were over at the sundahl's house (our good friends from orem) and mike kept calling me stabi because he'd received a text from maren asking if chris and stabi could come over for dinner. it totally stuck. chris calls me this all the time and most of my sister-in-laws call me stabi too. so thanks mike, for that one!


mike said...

So I remember it as being your sister-in-laws would text chris and they said that if they typed staci, their predictive text wrote "Stabi" and when he told Mike it was all over from there. Gotta love Miguel...

But that's pretty much the same story. :)