
of the boy variety

you know that thing called mother's intuition that people always talk about? well, as it happens, mine is actually pretty good, so far.

ever since we announced we were expecting a kiddo, people constantly ask me if i have had any inclinations as to what the gender of the baby is. i've heard of so many people guessing on the gender when they were pregnant and then getting it wrong, that i was a little hesitant at first to admit what i thought...

"i think it's a boy" i would sheepishly say. and of course the person inquiring could do nothing but agree with me, i mean i am the one carrying the kid after all, wouldn't i know if anyone did what brand of baby i was growing?

well the days to our 20 week ultrasound grew near. and as i grew increasingly excited to finally know whether i'd be buying pink and frilly or blue and rugged i also began to feel a sense of anxiety. what if i was wrong and i'd been calling our little girl a he for the past 14 weeks?

my nights were split in half by boy and girl baby dreams.

the day finally came. chris had been on call at primary children's since sunday morning at 5:00 am and so when the doctor called me back and he hadn't made it yet, i worried that he was not going to make it. i informed the receptionist and the ultrasound tech that my husband would be coming any minute and i really didn't want him to miss the ultrasound.

you could tell that they had heard this before when the tech assured me she would take a dvd of the scan so he wouldn't miss a thing. i didn't want to be a pain so i agreed and bared my bruised belly {bruised??? what? did i forget to mention that i'm on heparin? it's a twice/day shot in my belly that helps keeps the baby alive by preventing my blood from clotting as it goes through the placenta}

within a few minutes of starting, there was a knock at the door, and in popped my scrub clad husband looking very tired and frazzled at the same time. right then i didn't think i'd ever been happier to see him. he took his usual spot on my left side and grabbed my hand.

we stared in awe for the next 20 minutes as the tech measured, checkes, re-measured and re-checked all our little ones parts. when she was up by his face getting pics of his lips (to check for cleft lip/palate) we caught him yawning. it was the coolest thing i've ever seen {we may or may not have replayed it more than 10 times when we watched the dvd later that night}

right when the tech finally decided to try and see for real if i was right or wrong on my prediction, our little sprout fell asleep! i kept thinking how could he sleep at a time like this, it's practically the most exciting day in his little existence thus far!

eventually with some prodding and moving and such, we were able to get a clear shot. there was no denying the image on the screen, we were getting a little boy.

"you were right," chris said as he squeezed (squoze?) my hand. indeed. little mister it is.


Shauna said...

Finally someone is having a boy! It seems like everyone is having girls and I just feel so bad for them because boys are so much better! :) Congrats!!

Tom And Hailee said...

I am so excited for you guys Let me know if you need help going shopping!!

Gretchen said...

YAY!!!!! Congratulations!!! A little baby boy! How exciting!! We are sooo happy for you guys :-)

Time-Out With Tiffany said...

Yahoo! Boys are such a blast... I have been watching for an update :)

Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

stace, maybe i'm just emotional right now, but your post made me cry. we are SO happy for you guys! i can't say it enough! you two are going to be such amazing parents and will give that little man the life he deserves. we miss you guys like crazy and cannot wait to see you. (it has been way too long by the way). CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Melissa Stringham said...

I am really so excited for you guys. I just love having a little boy and I know yours will be the biggest joy of your lives.

The Horners said...

Lets see this baby bump already :) love you!