
no room to talk

a couple days ago, i wrote a post about chris and his cholesterol. well apparently i have no room to talk. i called the health center today to get my results from my cholesterol test and when the nurse read me my results i was shocked. if i would have been sitting in a chair instead of on the floor, i would have fallen out of it. not only were my TC {total cholesterol} and LDL {low density lipoproteins a.k.a. bad cholesterol} levels high, but they were higher than chris--by a lot. the nurse also told me that in order to take care of my high cholesterol {since it wasn't too high above the acceptable range} i needed to watch what i eat and exercise. duh. so since i already do that what's the problem? i already exercise 4-6 times a week and watch what i eat most of the time, not to mention that i weigh less now than i did in high school. i guess our kids are doomed.


Brandon said...

holy cow! is it contagious or something?

Anonymous said...

That was me, not Brandon. Chris should become a high cholesterol specialist. If they don't have those, just invent it.

And you have definitely made Brandon and I scared of our own cholesterol levels as well.

Brandon said...

Maybe somebody elses blood sample contaminated yours like on "Seinfeld". I don't even want to know what my cholesterol is like. I think I'll keep it that way.