
cancun bound

so last night i got a little surprise--we're going to cancun! we leave aug. 25 and come home sept. 1. i am so ecstatic i can hardly stand it. just thinking about it makes me want to jump up and down. the only down side is that it's right during when we were supposed to go to lake powell with my parents. we're bummed we are missing out on family time, but excited to go and explore a new place! thanks chris you are the best!


bec said...

so Chris decided not to go with the find-out-at-the-airport method? I'm so excited for you guys! How fun!

Kelli and Dan said...

how freaking cool! i am so excited for you guys, and if i weren't just having a baby at that time dan and i would be more than willing to take your spot on the lake powell trip...jk. hope you have a blast!!!!!