
sales pitch

many people are probably familiar with the "time share shpeal" that you can often get rewards for listening to. well tonight we were drug into just such an occasion. for the past six months this company has been harassing chris about a two night vacation reward for listening to some presentation. we decided what the heck and went tonight. we both decided before {of course} that we would say no to whatever we were asked, especially if it involved any money. i'm happy to say that we succeeded, but those cunning little sales guys really are very good at what they do. we were given several very enticing offers and no one seemed to understand that we weren't gonna go into debt 10-15 thousand more dollars {on top of med school expenses} to have a "lifetime vacation". maybe we're stupid for passing up the amazing deals we were offered, but my guess is that if we really wanted them that badly we could get them in the future...cunning little sales guys.


The Original Fred said...

The last one of those that Mom and I went to was when Mom broke her leg. I have three words of advice "Don't Do It".

Brandon said...

THe last time I talked to someone who had attended one of those meetings was with Quinn a couple of years ago. They had given him a couple of credit cards to use for whatever and he thrived off of them for like 3 weeks,buying food, gas, groceries, or whatever. It's still one of the most remarkable stories I have ever witnessed, and something that would only happen to Quinn.